First off, the picture in this blog was sent to us by another glove factory in an attempt to lure us into a partnership with them.
Pictures are often deceiving. What can you really tell from a picture? You can see that the leather color seems even and well saturated. The color and detail is intriguing. However, there is one very tell tale sign that will indicate the quality of this glove, before you ever touch it, smell it, or put your hand in it.
In our experience, no high-end glove will ever have low-end wrist padding or low-end synthetic fur.
If you look at the fur on the wrist strap, you can tell that it is thin and that it doesn't cover the full length of the wrist.
Low quality synthetic fur will pull out easily, mat down quickly, and offer very little comfort and support.
Chances are, the thumb and pinky loops are just plain leather straps, offering no additional comfort or support.
You may also notice the palm stall is the same color as the glove. This means it is made with the same leather as the shell. Although this may look attractive, it creates a glove that is overly stiff, uncomfortable, and lacking the engineering involved to create that wow factor when you instinctively recognize the feel of quality.
The laces will also give away the country of origin for many gloves. Overly stiff laces are typically Chinese and although they feel strong, they don't wear well and are too dry. They break quickly.
Excessively loose and floppy laces are usually a trait of Mexican made gloves. This is not a fault, only a visual indication you can apply when viewing gloves from a company you don't know.
We don't like some of the trends we see in softball and baseball gloves. The movement towards flash over quality is sad to see. It's one thing to have great colors, but another to use low grade materials and promote it as something new and of higher quality.
Companies have figured out how to build cheaper gloves, made of plastic, and sell them for more money than natural leather. Profits are higher... Not quality!
Please feel free to reach out if you would like to ask any questions. We are happy to respond with honest opinions and facts.